TeXfig is a small tool which uses Latex for setting the text in xfig
documents. This is useful if you want to produces figures with
complicated text elements like formulas.
Get it from http://sourceforge.net/projects/texfig
Sorry no cvs jet.
Extract the tarball and put the texfig script somewhere in your
$PATH . It requires Latex, gv, Xfig and fig2dev to be installed.
fig2dev is a part of the transfig package in many distributions.
Is simple. Type texfig ourfile.fig . As you save your file (use
the shortcut Alt-s ) in xfig, latex will be fired up and preview the
produced ourfile.eps in gv. All time when you update your
xfig file - latex is used for the typesetting and you can see your
changes on fly in gv (enable the watch file option ). Have a look
in the example directory. When a
error in latex code occurs simply press q in the xterm. Closing the gv
or xfig window will terminate texfig. In addition the script eps2png in
provided, form producing png bitmaps with transparent background.
Have fun